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Contract Analysis Tool

Welcome to the North Dakota United Contract Analysis Tool, affectionately called "The CAT". With this tool, locals can compare and contrast their negotiated agreements against others across the state.

Thank you for helping test out this tool. If you find any typos/errors or have questions about how to use the tool, please reach out to [email protected]

This tool only reflects contract language. If a provision lives exclusively in District Policy or state law, but not in the contract, it will not be reflected here.

If the contract explicitly states that a policy exists on a topic you will see the word "policy" appear in the results. If the contract explicitly states the details of the topic, you will either see an "x" indicating the item is included in the contract or you will see a summary of the contract language. Please note that while this tool can be helpful, it does at times attempt to summarize complex language. Therefore, it is always best practice to refer back to the exact language in each contract for the most precise explanation of topics. Furthermore, not all contracts are created equal. For example, Sick Leave in one district might be allowed for use for medical appointments and when family members are sick while other Districts may limit the number of days of Sick Leave that can be used for those purposes.

To use the CAT:

  1. Fill out the form below. 
  2. Click the submit button at the end of the form.
  3. Click the download button to view your results.*

* You must click both the submit button and the download button to see your results.

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.