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Woman working with a group of students on their computers

Member Benefits

We Need the Working Conditions To Succeed—And to Ensure A Bright Future for North Dakota.
We believe in taking collective action to ensure the collective good. When we raise our voices, we help every educator and public worker get the support they need to join, stay, and thrive in their professions.
We need and deserve fair salaries and benefits. We need and deserve safe workplaces that respect who we are and what we bring to North Dakotans. We need and deserve the right to demand change. Let’s redefine the workplace—together.

Professional Development

North Dakota United is dedicated to providing researched-based, member-driven, relevant, high quality programs to advance skills, while providing a network for shared communication and leadership opportunities.

At The Capitol

All educators and public employees deserve the support, resources, and time to do their jobs well, and the security to retire with dignity. Through the ND United's advocacy at the state capitol, we work to create public K-12 schools, colleges, universities, and public services that are worthy of our great state.

Discounts on Products & Services

Our most popular discount programs for NEA and AFT members and their families. Make your money stretch further by saving on everyday essentials, car rentals, travel, insurance, and exclusive discounts.

Scholarships & Grants

An additional benefit of your ND United membership is access to receive one of 17 different scholarships and grants. Scholarships from the ND Untied Foundations are available to ND United members, including Student NDU and NDU-Retired members, as well as the dependents of all members.

Legal Services

When you need us, North Dakota United staff are here to assist with employment-related disputes at no additional cost to you.

Liability Insurance Protection

North Dakota United provides $1 million of liability insurance protection for its members for any covered claim arising during the course of the insured’s employment activities.
headshot of man standing outside a school wearing a dark red polo
The earliest thing I learned about negotiating was from my dad. I remember him shouting over the megaphone outside of a city board meeting about unity: We move as one. Wherever we go and whatever we do, as a union we move together. We cannot hope to make any notable difference in our locals if we act separately from each other.
Quote by: Joe Drumm, Science Teacher, Grand Forks Central
image of a crowd with a woman standing at a podium speaking

We Can't Do It Without You

The foremost benefit of your membership in NDU is your combined power, at the negotiating table with school boards, in the halls of the state Legislature, and in the decision-making process when elected officials and administrators are determining your pay, benefits and terms of employment.

Already a Member?

Jump to updates, opportunities, and resources for ND United Members.

What’s on Your Mind?

We’re here to help. Our community comes to us seeking tools (guides, reports, trainings, and more) to help answer everyday questions. We’re here to support you in whatever you need.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.