Employment Defense
NDU staff consists of trained experts in labor relations and worker rights. Our organization can work with any of our members on issues that come up on the job, and help to advise and represent you on:
- Grievances
- Terminations
- Layoffs
- Promotions
- Reclassifications
- Pay issues
- Health and Safety Issues
- Worker’s Rights
Attorney Referral Program
The NDU Attorney Referral Program provides members with legal advice on personal matters. Each eligible member is entitled to a free, 30-minute consultation session during each membership year.
In the event that you need legal representation in criminal, family, estate planning, or other matters, the attorney referral program lets you get that help at rates below participating attorney’s usual fees.
The program is offered by both the NEA and the AFT. The benefits of the two national affiliates are very similar, but members should always ask questions, particularly about the fees, before engaging an attorney.
- Ringstrom DeKrey PLLP* (Criminal matters only) Moorhead, MN 218-284-0484
Schneider Law Firm* ** Fargo (701) 235-4481
*NEA Attorney Referral Program Participant
**AFT Legal Services Program Participant