You belong in the Union Join ND United Today
One Union, One Voice: Uniting Educators and Public Employees
NDU makes sure the voices of members are actually heard. Together, we have successfully raised wages, improved working conditions, and fought to preserve retirement benefits. Band together with your fellow professionals to strengthen your voice – join us today.
Making a Difference
Becoming a member of North Dakota United connects you with a movement of educators and school staff supporting each other. Our union advocates for the funding and resources that you, your schools, and your students deserve. This includes:
Using Our Collective Voice:
- Salary and Benefits - Simply put, we deserve professional pay for professional work — and the members of ND United are fighting to ensure you’re paid what you’re worth.
- Respect - ND United members advocate at the local, state, and national level for increased funding, raising respect for all of us, and standing in solidarity to secure fair wages for every member.
- Collective Power - NDU members have a support system of thousands of fellow members who live and work alongside you in your community. Together we advocate for improved working and student learning conditions.
Member Benefits:
- Protecting Your Rights - In addition to professional liability insurance for all members, NDU protects and enhances educator rights by offering guidance, advice, and, if necessary, legal representation.
- Professional Development - NDU is one of the largest providers of high-quality professional development in the state. ND United delivers professional development with a focus on customized learning, based upon your individual wants and needs.
- Leadership Training - ND United equips current and aspiring local leaders with everything they need to be powerful, visionary organizers in their schools and locals through leadership training.
- Member Discounts - Members can improve their buying power and take advantage of deep discounts on vacations, movie tickets, life insurance, cars and more with the Member Benefits offered through NEA and AFT.
About Our Union
North Dakota United (NDU) was created by the merger of the North Dakota Education Association (NDEA) and the North Dakota Public Employees Association (NDPEA). The Representative Assemblies of both organizations voted overwhelmingly in February 2013 for the merger.

Our union of professionals in public education and public services, of over 11,500 teachers and professors, school and university support staff, public employees, students and retired workers, is our greatest asset and the power available to you as a member.
You are the U in NDU
Our collective voice is powerful at the local, state, and national level. We work together to ensure that educators and public employees have a stronger voice.
And as the state’s largest union, we have a powerful collective voice to make real change in North Dakota. Nationally, our collective power includes the over 4.7 million combined members of our two national affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).
Membership Types

K-12 Teachers

Educational Support Professionals

Public Employees

Higher Ed Faculty & Staff

Retired Professionals

Aspiring Educators

Substitute Teachers

Community Ally
Forms & Resources
NDU Recruitment Incentive 24-25
Do you know someone who might be interested in joining North Dakota United? Fill out this form and you could be rewarded if you get them to join.
NDU Student Rebate 2024-25
Student members, fill out this form to receive a rebate on your dues from North Dakota United.
NEA Student Rebate
Student members, fill out this form to receive a rebate on your dues from the National Education Association.