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Abby DuBord Talks About Her ‘Why’

In this episode of the What’s Your Why? podcast, 2022 North Dakota Teacher of the Year Bret Dockter and Tom Gerhardt visit with 2023 ND Teacher of the Year finalist Abby DuBord of Bismarck.
Published: May 4, 2023

What's Your Why? Episode 2

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DuBord is a first-grade teacher at Elk Ridge Elementary in Bismarck. DuBord was a part of the Bismarck Public School’s Teacher Leader Academy where she had the opportunity to take part in hands-on leadership experiences at both the school and district level.

DuBord has found staff and student wellness to be a priority — especially following COVID-19. She says to be successful as educators, the basic physical, mental and emotional needs of both staff and students need to be met.

She also believes in authentic learning experiences as educators prepare their students for an unknown future.

All the episodes of “What’s Your Why?” podcast are also available on iHeartRadioSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.

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