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NDU News

Filling Fridges, Fostering Futures

Mandan Public School educators provide food baskets to families in need during the holiday season.
Published: January 5, 2024

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Many hands make light work. They know all about that in Mandan.

“16 years now they’ve been doing it. Every school in our district holds a fundraiser from all their employees that then we take that money and we partner with one of our local grocery stores. And then we deliver food baskets to families,” said Ben Beckler, physical education teacher at Lewis and Clark Elementary.

This holiday season, 30 Mandan families received boxes filled with food: “canned soup, veggies, tuna, hamburger helper, pasta sauce, noodles."

Each family also received a gift card to Family Fare, a ham from Railway Credit Union, and a turkey.

“The food that we collect is paid for by the Mandan Public School employees. So, all the teachers, the paras, anybody that’s involved in our schools. I just think it helps those families feel supported by the schools, the teachers, the school district and all, come together to help them out," said Ben.

Quote byBen Beckler , Phy Ed teacher, Lewis and Clark Elementary School

I just think it helps those families feel supported by the schools, the teachers, the school district and all, come together to help them out.
—Ben Beckler , Phy Ed teacher, Lewis and Clark Elementary School

"I think it gives them relief and a feel of support for that family.”

Mandan educators: making a difference in more than one way this holiday season.

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