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Megan Margerum’s Approach to ‘Why’

In the final episode of “What’s Your Why?” podcast, EL language instructor, Megan Margerum of Northern Cass, discusses multiple avenues for teachers in her school to continue in teaching.
Published: May 11, 2023

What’s Your Why? Episode 4

As part of Teacher Appreciation Week, we are sharing new episodes of the What’s Your Why? podcast, co-hosted by 2022 North Dakota Teacher of the Year Bret Dockter and Tom Gerhardt. They had informative conversations with the four finalists for 2023 ND Teacher of the Year about their education journey and were asked to share their “why” for staying in the profession. In this final episode of the series, Bret and Tom talk to Megan Margerum, an English Language Arts teacher at Northern Cass Public School, and a finalist for the 2023 North Dakota Teacher of the Year.

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Margerum is a believer in the need to shift from traditional school experiences to a more innovative approach. She is passionate about learners and educators facilitating in the learning center together and has crafted a unit on building learner profiles, developed a plan for the use of Portrait of Learner skills, and engaged families with the use of personal Google sites. Margerum says she believes wholeheartedly that you create a culture in your classroom by involving parents. She says accountability, communication, adaptability, Learner’s Mindset, and leadership are five areas Northern Cass strives to develop with their learners.

The “What’s Your Why?” podcast episodes are also available on iHeartRadioSpotifyGoogle Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.

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