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NDU News

NDU Legislative Update: Jan. 20, 2023

Learn more about the latest happenings at the Capitol in our North Dakota United Legislative Update
Published: January 20, 2023

Key Takeaways

  1. HB 1486 was introduced and looks to replace NDPERS pension plan with a more volatile and expensive 401k style defined-contribution plan.
  2. HB 1532 was introduced which would establish an “education reimbursement program”. The program would require superintendents to pay private schools, when requested by the parents.
This past Wednesday, the 18th, was the deadline for members of the House of Representatives to introduce new bills. The deadline for Senators to submit bills is Monday, the 23rd. Stay tuned to these emails for updates on the session as it progresses.


An additional bill to close the NDPERS defined-benefit pension program has been introduced. HB 1486 looks to replace the defined-benefit plan with a more volatile and expensive defined-contribution plan, with additional terms as to the source of funding. We will continue to oppose any bill that intends to take away an invaluable source of stability for public workers. Testimony will be heard January 26th at 8:30am.

In the meantime, SB 2239 has been introduced, which has NDU’s full support. This bill aims to invest in our current defined-benefit pension plan and preserve a popular benefit for under $1 billion. On the other hand, the three bills that intend to close the plan and replace it with a defined-contribution plan would cost $5.5 BILLION over 20 years. More than five times the cost! SB 2239 is clearly the fiscally responsible choice. A hearing on SB 2239 is set to take place on Friday, the 27th, at 9:45.

Please message Taylor Toso ([email protected]) if you would like to testify on either of these bills. Can’t make it to Bismarck? Ask Taylor how you can still share your story with the committee.


An issue that North Dakota United is committed to is keeping public dollars in public education. Many of you may be familiar with “school vouchers,” bills that are used to privatize education and send taxpayers’ dollars to non-public schools. While NDU has always supported a parent’s right to choose where they send their children to school, we also believe that we must keep public dollars in public schools so that teachers and students receive the resources they need.

This week, HB 1532 was introduced. This bill will establish an “education reimbursement program”. The program would require superintendents to pay private schools, when requested by the parents, at least 15 percent but not more than 30 percent of the student’s cost of attendance. State legislators are asking that 24 million dollars be put into this education reimbursement program. That is 24 million dollars going to private education rather than our public-school systems. Read more below on how you can send an email to your legislators opposing this bill that intends to reduce the resources of our public education system.

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.