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NDU & You

2024 Governance: Year in Review

The NDU Board of Directors works extremely hard to learn from those they represent and makes sure NDU members' concerns are brought to the fore as they plan for the future of the organization. The board lifts up several of the highlights from their work over the past year:
Published: December 2024

Concluding Our Three-Year Strategic Plan and Setting Course for Next Three Years 

At the 2022 Delegate Assembly, we shared – and delegates approved – our Three-Year Strategic Plan that ensured our union was focused on expanding the foundation of our professional development program, ensuring North Dakota United continues to be the most powerful voice for public-service professionals, and growing the membership of ND United to ensure we have the power to win what we need for our students, our communities and our families. We are proud of the work every member of ND United has done to help us move forward during the last three years, and we are excited to start the process anew in 2025. 

Promoting our AutoPay program to protect our rights 

Across the country, anti-public education and anti-public services politicians are working to weaken our union by changing how we collect dues. Eleven states have already made this change and eliminated the option to use payroll deduction. 

In those states, instead of spending time advocating for what they need in their classrooms and communities, members have been forced to scramble to retain their collective power. 

That's why we are being proactive and encouraging members to protect their membership by enrolling in our AutoPay system. Over 55% of our members have already enrolled in AutoPay, and it just takes a couple of minutes to enroll. 

Creating a new Community Ally membership 

As the attacks on public education and public service have increased, it has become even more important for us to reach out to our supporters in the community to build a strong coalition. We have begun recruitment for the Community Ally membership option, which allows anyone interested in supporting public education and public services to stand with us for a $40 yearly contribution. This membership is perfect for those who want to strengthen their communities and ensure access to essential services. Our Community Ally members will also be a crucial part of our ongoing fight against using public dollars for private education, and so many more campaigns on the horizon. 

With that said, we hope you enjoy this Year in Review as it provides an excellent opportunity for us to share the challenges and triumphs we have experienced in this past year, and how our work connect

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.