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2024 ND United Board of Directors Election

Twelve positions will be up for election on the NDU Board of Directors in April 2024.

The positions open on the NDU Board of Directors are: Northeast, Northwest, Southwest and Southeast Region Directors; K-12 District (less than 600 students) and K-12 District (more than 600 students); Public Employee; Education Support Professional; Higher Education Support Professional; Higher Education (2-year institution), Higher Education (4-year institution); and Ethnic Minority Director. The student and retired positions are elected by their respective groups. All new board members take office July 15, 2024, and the term is for three years. 

Petitions for these positions must be filed by Feb. 15, 2024, with 50 signatures from active members in good standing. The student and retired positions are elected by their constituencies. However, all positions will be voted on at the 2024 Delegate Assembly to be held April 20, 2024 at ND’s Gateway to Science, Bismarck. Please contact Ellie Sharbono at [email protected] to request petitions. 

Elections for President, the Vice Presidents of Education and Public Employees, and NEA Director will be held at the Delegate Assembly in 2025. 

Election of Delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly  

State delegate positions are open for the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly (RA), which is currently scheduled for July 3-7 in Philadelphia, PA. North Dakota is allowed 15 delegates, but current Board members are eligible to attend, and those attending will be subtracted from the 15 prior to the election. The number of delegate positions open will be announced later this fall. 

Petitions for the state-paid delegate positions can be found at Members running for a delegate position must obtain 50 signatures from active members of NDU. The student and retired positions are elected by their constituencies. 

Completed petitions with the 50 signatures, along with a short bio and head shot, must be returned to ND United, 301 N 4th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501, by Feb. 15, 2024. 

The delegates will also be elected at the NDU Delegate Assembly in April. 

Local Association Delegate Elections 

Presidents of locals of 76 or more members will receive an email from NEA in late January with the allocated number of delegates for their local for the 2024 NEA Representative Assembly. 

Local associations are allocated one delegate for each 150 active and educational support NEA members or major fraction thereof. Locals with fewer than 76 members may cluster to form delegate units. 

NDU’s Affirmative Action Plan

NDU’s affirmative action plan commits our union to elect two minority delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly each year. 

Ethnic minorities may be nominated for state delegate positions in the same manner as others by submitting a petition signed by 50 active members to ND United, 301 N 4th Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 by Feb. 15, 2024. 

Questions? Contact Ellie at [email protected]

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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.