Published: September 2023
First Appeared In United Voices - September 2023
2023 Negotiation Wins for Teachers
North Dakota United wants to recognize the tremendous work and dedication to their colleagues that hundreds of negotiators across the state displayed during contract negotiations across the state. Collectively, members across the state stood united for a strong voice in the classroom, fair compensation for challenging work, and benefits to support our families. We truly are Stronger United!
By The Numbers
Statewide, 2023 was generally a very good year for K-12 educators who negotiated their contracts. Many local education associations won sizable salary increases, pension contribution increases from their school districts, and only one school district went to impasse. We also saw increases in parental leave and formalizing overloads for educators. If you have questions about your contract or the contracts of districts across the state.

(Compiled statistics from the 50 contracts turned into ND United by Aug. 8, 2023.)
Length of Contracts:
- One-year contracts – 7
- Two-year contracts – 43
TFFR Stats:
- Model 1 – 14
- Model 2 – 24
- Model 2P – 12 (Eight will be forced to change in 2025-27)
Increases on Base Salaries:
- 2.9% – average percentage increase. statewide
- $1,266 – average amount increase, statewide
- $44,336/year – average bachelor’s degree base, statewide
- $53,800/year – highest bachelor’s degree base, Mandan
- $48,594/year – average master’s degree base, statewide
- $58,101/year – highest master’s degree base, statewide
- Minot gained 2% more on employer TFFR contributions.
- Only one school district went to impasse.
- Jamestown fixed salary inequities and made much-needed adjustments.
- Wahpeton added language to contract to formalize overloads for all.
- Mapleton overhauled salary schedule for sustainability.
- Mandan worked through some early tension to achieve a solid contract and salary raise.
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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services
With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.