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Cover Story
Plan to Participate in 2024 Delegate Assembly
On Saturday, April 20, 2024, this year’s North Dakota United Delegate Assembly will be held at the ND Gateway to Science in Bismarck.

Feature Article
North Dakota Educators Hopeful Teacher Retention Task Force Sparks Fixes
Educator recruitment and retention issues could spell trouble for North Dakota children and their education.

Feature Article
Data Shows Teacher Retention is Major Issue
One may not like the data, but you cannot ignore it. When asked the question of how severe the issue of teacher retention is in the state of North Dakota, almost nine in ten (88 percent) of our state’s educators say it is a major issue.

NDU In Action
Grand Forks Members Host Unity Event
Members of the Grand Forks Education Association, UND United, public employees, NDU-Retired and Student NDU came together for social event in Grand Forks to build power and get to know each other.

Feature Article
Peer to Peer Helps Students Connect
The article explores the prevalence of loneliness among students in middle and high schools and the efforts of educators to foster connections through programs like Peer to Peer. Originating from an idea at Wachter Middle School, Peer to Peer initiatives have gained momentum, supported by the American School Counselor Association for promoting social confidence and well-being.

Member Spotlight
Math and More: The Multifaceted Role of a Small-Town Educator
Cyle Golde's commitment to serving in multiple capacities positively impacts students and the community, making him an exemplary figure and role model in small-town education.
Special Sections
News & NotesOpponents of public education and public services want to deny you your union protection by attacking ND United and shrinking membership.
News & NotesThis handbook is designed to help your local association get involved in school board elections.
News & NotesWe are planning to host an Advocacy Conference in August 2024.
President's PostND United President, Nick Archuleta, discusses the things on our union's radar for the spring/summer seasons.
Quote byNick Archuleta , ND United President
“Teachers don’t go into education because they want to be part of a political scrum. They go in there because they want to make sure students have the very best opportunities they possibly can to be successful. Not just in school, but in their lives after school.”
—Nick Archuleta
ND United President

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