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Advocacy & Bargaining Conferences

Our advocacy and bargaining trainings are put together to deliver valuable training to our local leaders and activists on how to advocate effectively for your professions, your union and your members. NDU members from every constituency – K-12 teachers, ESP and PSRP, higher education faculty and staff, public employees, students and retired workers – are all invited to participate.
man standing in front of room giving a presentation

Each year, North Dakota United proudly hosts trainings in advocacy and bargaining for all of our members.

The purpose of these trainings is to provide each NDU constituency group an opportunity to learn what is happening in their union at the national and state levels, as well as to provide insight into the issues, challenges and victories that members at the local level are experiencing.

Locals and chapters should take the opportunity to “draft your dream team” – bring your officers, your committee chairs, your most active and engaged members along with you, and team up to attend all of the available sessions on behalf of your entire local.

Watch this space for upcoming Advocacy & Bargaining conference dates.

group of people lobbying at the ND capitol

A Union of Professionals in Public Education and Public Services

Leverage your combined power, at the negotiating table with school boards, in the halls of the state Legislature, and in the decision-making process when elected officials and administrators are determining your pay, benefits and terms of employment.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.