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Risha Allen hugs a student.

Member Spotlight

Our Members Make a Difference
From McKenzie to Cass and Renville to Richland, in all professional roles and career stages, North Dakota United members make our schools and communities worthy of our students.

Result List

Classroom scene with Laine Hernandez, Spanish teacher, sitting in front of wall of photos.
Member Spotlight

Love Language

Laine Martinez, a Spanish instructor from Bismarck High School and the 2023 Foreign Language Association of North Dakota's Teacher of the Year award winner, credits always having a positive attitude and the human connections we can create through language to her success as an educator.
man wearing hat standing on a football field
Member Spotlight

Heart of Harvey

ND Teacher of the Year Bret Dockter challenges students to leave a legacy, in the classroom and on the field.
group of students playing in a school gym
Member Spotlight

Unified in Phy Ed

Mystic Mentors program at Jim Hill Middle School in Minot builds culture of inclusivity through physical education.