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NDU News

North Dakota State Teachers of the Year 2024 Day of Professional Learning

The North Dakota United Foundation proudly partnered with the North Dakota State Teachers of the Year Chapter to offer a Day of Professional Learning for former Teachers of the Year and finalists on April 19, 2024 on the Capitol grounds. The day provided Teachers of the Year with an opportunity to network, share best practices, and provide feedback to the Governor’s Task Force on Teacher Retention and Recruitment.
group of people in a meeting

The Day of Professional Learning provided an opportunity for NDSTOY members to: 

  • highlight and explain experiences and expertise that hold the potential to strengthen teaching and learning in North Dakota; 
  • connect and collaborate with each other, and; 
  • consider ways that the NDSTOY Chapter can bring its vision and mission to life by sharing what we learn with colleagues across the state. 

The NDU Foundation would like to thank the following event sponsors: Bravera Bank, Horace Mann, Aspire Credit Union, Railway Credit Union, Capital City Construction Inc., NRG Technology Services, and the State Historical Society of North Dakota.  

Quote byParticipant Testimonial

“Current teacher retention and attracting new teachers are the two most pressing issues that will plague education in the years to come. Having such discussions are so important to finding strategies and incentives."l
—Participant Testimonial

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.