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Cover Story
Laurie Mahrer named ND ESP of the Year finalist
The first of three finalists was celebrated at a ceremony in Mandan on February 5, 2024.

Feature Article
'Shock’ of a Lifetime: Grafton FACS Teacher Katelyn Gorder Receives Milken Award
Grafton FACS teacher Katelyn Gorder was left speechless at surprise presentation of ‘Oscars of Teaching’ Milken Award.

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2024 Delegate Assembly Held in Bismarck
The 2024 Delegate Assembly was a focused and energetic affair focused on the ongoing attacks from the anti-public education and anti-public service politicians and the necessity of our members to unite together to protect our professions, our students, and our communities.

Feature Article
United Voices Going Digital
The United Voices magazine is moving to a fully digital experience.

Feature Article
Congrats to the 2024 County Teachers of the Year
22 North Dakota United members received recognition.
Special Sections
News & NotesNDU joins Keep It Local Coalition to Preserve Local Control
News & NotesTenure rights for higher ed faculty are again under fire.
News & NotesRegistration is now open for the North Dakota United Leadership and Advocacy Summit, which is scheduled for July 30-31 in Bismarck.
Feature ArticleQ&A With NDPERS Executive Director Rebecca Fricke.
Professional DevelopmentUpcoming Fall PD Courses.
President's PostND United President Nick Archuleta discusses how the upcoming elections affect ND United members in this President's Post.
PerspectivesPublic schools in this country are under an unprecedented attack by people who believe unfounded conspiracy theories and by people funding these attacks for personal gain. This is not an exaggeration. Don’t take my word for it… take theirs.
Professional DevelopmentFormer ND Teachers of the Year gathered to share best practices, and provide feedback to the Governor’s task force on teacher retention and recruitment.
NDU & YouThe staff at North Dakota United welcomed two new employees this past year.
Quote byMitchell Smette , Former West Fargo High School English Teacher and Coach
One of the biggest reasons that I’m leaving the [education] field is the North Dakota Legislature. If we continue to legislate what teachers can do in their classrooms… and people who are not experts in education are making those decisions, and they’re ignoring educators in making those decisions, then I don’t know how you’re ever going to find good teachers – or keep them.
—Mitchell Smette
Former West Fargo High School English Teacher and Coach

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