My first response is: “It was in my blood.”
My father, besides being a dairy farmer worked as a machinist for Cessna Aircraft. My childhood memories are sitting in the back row of a meeting room as my father held worker meetings (he held many numerous offices for the AFL-CIO/CLC machinist local union) coloring, doing homework, passing out cookies and coffee, etc.
My mother who was a nurse for 35 years held numerous offices for her local Nurses Association of Unified Members (when going through her things my son and I found her President gavel). SO, no surprise that the first day I started teaching I contacted the AFT Teacher’s Union and joined and asked, “how can I help our union?” AND the rest is history.
“Why are you still active as a retired member?"
Unions want to help to take care of you and help ensure YOUR retirement rights and benefits.
Unions provide a space for retired members from different workplaces to come together as equals providing a community where you are taking a stand not only for now, but also for your retirement, and to set the tone for the future generations that follow.
Unions keep their ears to the ground and flag any important information on your behalf and retirement concerns.
Unions step up and care about whether your rights as a human being are being respected and upheld now and in the future.
Unions are there as negotiators, mediators, and watch dogs during legislation for retired members.
AND MOST IMPORTANTLY…By being a UNION MEMBER YOU are in control of the leadership and you can be INVOLVED in that leadership!
In conclusion, let me share this quote from Maya Angelou:
“When you do nothing you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.”