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Cover Story
Rewards of a Job Well Done
Minot custodian Bruce Schonberger, our 2023 Education Support Professional of the Year, reflects on his career in service to schools, students and their families.

Feature Article
A Collective Approach to Negotiations
As teachers enter into contract negotiations with school districts, negotiator shares tips on how to get involved in process of collective bargaining.

Feature Article
In Service to the Public
ND United member Jason Grueneich shares his story of how he came to be involved as state employee and member of NDPERS Board of Trustees.
Special Sections
President's PostND United President, Nick Archuleta, shares how members can get involved at the ND Capitol this legislative session.
In Your VoiceEducator, Heather Hintz, shares her struggle with mental health, and the tips she's learned to cope with anxiety.
News & NotesNDU-Retired President, Karen Askerooth, shares why she remains an active member of North Dakota United, and why you should, too.
News & NotesNorth Dakota United added two new staff members at the start of 2023. Sarah Grossbauer and Andrew Winter were both hired as Legislative Campaign Organizers.
Quote byJoe Drumm , GFEA Educator & Negotiator
"We move as one. Wherever we go and whatever we do, as a union we move together. We cannot hope to make any notable difference in our locals if we act separately from each other."
—Joe Drumm
GFEA Educator & Negotiator

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