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The Teacher’s Introduction to Pathological Demand Avoidance: Essential Strategies for the Classroom

Filled with thoughtful, useful strategies school staff can implement to build a collaborative relationship with pupils and help them to thrive in the school environment. The activities presented aim to make children more comfortable and at ease, and therefore better able to learn. It covers key issues for children with PDA, such as sensory issues, preferred language and phrasing of demands, social skills, and recognizing distressed behavior.
Published: October 2023

Event Overview

Dates and Times

  • Monday, November 6, 2023


Free for Members; $100 for Non-members


  • Virtual - By Zoom


  • All


  • Professional Development

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.