The Student ND United (SNDU) group elects officers and is represented on the NDU Board of Directors. Student representatives are also elected to the NDU Delegate Assembly as well as the National Representative Assembly, ensuring that professional practitioners are listening to the voice of future educators
Each SNDU campus chapter plans activities and programs designed to help students become successful educators.
SNDU Executive Board
- McKenzie Dale (Mayville State University
- Mariah Fitterer (Dickinson State University – Bismarck)
- Emily Kennelly (Mayville State University)
- Annette Manning (Mayville State University)
- Brandon Oien (Dickinson State University – Bismarck)
- Allison Ososki (Mayville State University)
- Kimberly Toepke (University of Mary)
- John Vetter (Dickinson State University – Bismarck)
SNDU Student Rebates
Rebates are available to first-year teachers and ESPs. For every year you were a student member, you can receive $20 off your first year’s active member dues.
For example – if you were a student member for four years, you would receive $80 from NDU and $80 from NEA, for a total of a $160 savings off of your first year’s active teacher membership.
You can only apply for this rebate your first year of teaching. Deadline to submit rebate is May 1 of that first year.
To apply for this rebate, submit the NEA Rebate form to NEA and the NDU Student Rebate form to NDU. Forms are included in new member packets, or contact Renee Franklund at 1-800-369-6332 or [email protected].
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