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Retired Members

Retired members are those who have retired from a job in a public school system or public service position, but still want to advocate for their professions, public schools, and themselves.
group of retired educators having coffee

NDU-Retired members work to strengthen public education, public services and healthcare, and professions to which they dedicated their lives. They battle to improve key federal and state programs, traditional pensions and healthcare coverage for today’s and tomorrow’s retirees. NDU-Retired members help affect positive change for North Dakota’s children, public educators, public employees and communities. We work with North Dakota United to:

  • Protect and improve retirement pension, and health benefits—including state pensions like TFFR and NDPERS, Social Security and Medicare.
  • Improve public education through mentoring, literacy and intergenerational programs and activities.
  • Achieve legislative and political action goals for public education and public service.
  • Monitor state legislative issues.
  • Lobby on behalf of retired workers.
  • Participate in decision-making on educational and public services related issues.
  • Represent retired members on the NDU Board of Directors.
  • Influence decision-making at NEA, AFT and NDU business meetings.

Join NDU-Retired

image of a crowd with a woman standing at a podium speaking

Together We're Stronger. Together We're Heard.

By banding together, we can strengthen public education, public services, healthcare, and the professions to which you dedicated your life. With more members like you, we can have an even stronger voice.

Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.