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Issue Explainer

All About Vouchers

While we have always supported school choice, we also believe that we must keep public dollars in public schools so that teachers and students, particularly in rural communities, receive the resources they need.  
science teacher doing an experiment with two students
Published: May 2023

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There are currently two bills circulating the ND Capitol this legislative session that threaten the integrity of our public education system. These bills aim to divert taxpayer dollars to private and religious schools, which are not held to the same transparency, accountability, or accessibility standards as our public schools. Here is a list of the bills:

No matter what these bills are called—education savings accounts, scholarship programs, or otherwise—if they divert public dollars to private schools, they are vouchers.

Public funds should remain in public schools, where they serve all students, regardless of ability, background, or financial status. Our public schools are the foundation of our communities, and instead of diverting resources away from them, we should be investing in smaller class sizes, support staff, mental health resources, and competitive wages for educators. 

North Dakota students, families, and educators are counting on us to stand up for fully funded, equitable public education. Let’s make sure every public dollar stays where it belongs—in public schools. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Voucher Schemes

Speak Up For Public Schools & Public Services

When we act together and join our voices in unison, we can improve the lives of children and North Dakota communities.
group of people lobbying at the ND capitol

A Union of Professionals in Public Education and Public Services

Leverage your combined power, at the negotiating table with school boards, in the halls of the state Legislature, and in the decision-making process when elected officials and administrators are determining your pay, benefits and terms of employment.
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Keeping the Promise of Quality Public Education & Public Services

With more than 11,500 members across the state, NDU supports equal opportunities for success for ALL North Dakota students, and respect and support for all educators. NDU members are teachers, community college professors, speech pathologists, bus drivers, secretaries, retired educators and student teachers.